Using DoneDeal during Covid-19

Stay Safe
Now is the time to look out for each other and to stay safe as a community. Above all, we insist you prioritise your health and the health of those around you by following Government, HSE and WHO advice.
Our staff are all working from home and are here to support you and any questions you may have about DoneDeal during this time. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time by emailing

Can I buy and sell items on DoneDeal?
Now is the time to stay safe and stay at home. We insist that you follow all HSE, Government and WHO guidelines and rules on social distancing and staying at home. We encourage users to keep engaging with DoneDeal and to plan on buying/selling goods/items once the rules have been lifted. Sellers can also choose to use the postal service or courier services that continue to operate. But we do insist that you follow all health and safety guidelines, minimise contact and stay at home where possible.

How to use DoneDeal safely right now
You can still enjoy DoneDeal from the safety of your home while following all safety guidelines from the Government, HSE and WHO.
We’re working hard to bring you practical solutions during these uncertain times and we will update you on these, as and when we have them available. Safety is our number one priority.
Here’s what you should know when using DoneDeal during the current COVID-19 outbreak:
Can I buy and sell items on DoneDeal?
Now is the time to stay safe and stay at home. We insist that you follow all HSE, Government and WHO guidelines and rules on social distancing and staying at home. We encourage users to keep engaging with DoneDeal and to plan on buying/selling goods/items once the rules have been lifted.
How can I view/show an item I am interested in buying/selling if I am to avoid person-to-person meetings?
In this time period, it is advisable to limit all non-essential person-to-person contact. Smartphone videos of items would be a good option to consider. Ensure that the entire item is visible and if possible turn the item around to show it in its entirety. Where appropriate, demonstrate the functionality of the item and be very clear if there are any unforeseen issues with the item or the operation of it.
How can I pay or receive payment for items?
We’re working hard to bring you a practical solution to address payments. In the meantime, we would advise that you use common sense and only agree to pay online for any items once you have viewed them virtually and are completely comfortable with transferring money to the seller for the item. We do need to stress, that you do need to be happy with this approach before sending any money to anyone who is selling an item.
How can I stay safe when accepting deliveries?
If you receive a package from an online purchase, ensure you keep a safe distance from the person making the delivery. It is important to keep at least 6 feet / 2 metres apart. Where possible ask them to leave the package at your door or at a pickup point and wait for them to move away. You should always wash your hands after receiving packages and opening them. It is recommended to use soap and water to wash your hands or an alcohol based disinfectant. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose.
How can I stay safe when opening the package?
It is advisable if you think any surface may be infected to clean it with a disinfectant to kill any virus that may be on it to protect yourself and others. This also applies to goods. Before and after handling any item that could potentially be infected, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment). Read more on the WHO.
How can I report an ad?
If you suspect an ad is not complying with Government,HSE , WHO and DoneDeal guidelines on health and safety during this COVID-19 pandemic, you can report the ad to us by clicking the Report Ad link. The Report Ad link is on each ad. We will investigate all ads reported to us. Advertisers who repeatedly breach the health and safety guidelines will be banned.
What should I do if I have any other questions?
Any other questions? Email us: For more information on COVID-19 and steps to take to protect you and others, please view the HSE Guidelines.